
Giovanna Quirici

Giovanna is a modern day Medicine Woman, Certified Herbalist & passionate advocate for Mother Earth. She holds a Bachelors in Biology and has spent most of her life working in the Healthcare field including Pharmaceutical Sales, Health Insurance, Hospitals, & Physical Therapy. Until 2 years ago, when a trip to Colombia a plant medicine retreat changed everything for her. Her passion for plant medicine was awakened & she began tuning into the deep wisdom of the Earth.

Now you can find her out foraging for plants and creating all kinds of different small batch treasures including: tinctures, teas, oils, flower essences & body care products- all infused with the utmost love & care. She lives in Denver, Colorado and there are many different ways to work with her both locally & online to experience her magic!

other than that,

Giovanna also hosts Women’s Circles and gatherings at her home bringing sisterhood & connection to her community. Come experience the beauty & magic of coming together and communing with Mother Earth and connecting with each other in heart centered ritual. Enjoy homemade beverages & snacks to nourish your body, teachings & wisdom to nourish your mind, and connections & rituals to nourish your soul. It’s a truly magical experience!

There is nothing she loves more than sharing her knowledge & her medicines with the world, connecting people back to the Earth, and raising awareness of sustainability practices & ways we can show our planet the love & respect it deserves!

Giovanna also offers private healing sessions incorporating her beautifully nourishing and healing handmade medicines and wellness products along with energy healing techniques to give you an absolutely out of this world restorative experience!

Need to talk?

© 2021 Seeds Of Vitality. Designed by Fis Four Experience.

October 2024
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