Botanical Medicine Consultations

Achieving long-lasting change in the quality of life.

Humanity’s use of plants goes back millennia and predates written human history. A clay tablet found in Sumeria that is approximately 5000 years old was found with different herbal formulations and referred to over 250 different plants.

People have in fact, relied on plants to help all types of ailments and you are here today because your ancestors used plant medicine. Plants synthesize hundreds of plant chemicals that have been shown to improve health in every body system and even mental health.   A consultation with an herbalist is for people seeking to do deeper work on their health in order to achieve long lasting change in their life. Herbal healing with botanical medicines can be powerful.  Herbs are not a one time “fix”, like we have been led to believe a healing process should work. Plants assist your body over time and truly focus on a better outcome than just managing symptoms.  It will also take a willingness and interest in making changes to diet and lifestyle. I hope for a on going relationship with clients and will act as a guide.  I help will you navigate your own health journey.  Assisting  you to find the herbs and other healing modalities that best fit you and your health picture.


Free Consultation

First Timer 15 minutes
$ 0
  • A full consultation with an herbalist is for people seeking to do deeper work on their health and truly work to in achieving long lasting change in quality of life.
  • You must be willing and interested in making changes to your diet and lifestyle, and not just be looking for herbs to be a ‘fix’ to your problems, but to act as allies in the bigger picture.

Initial Consultation

90 minutes
$ 75
  • We will go in-depth into your health history in order to gain a clear picture of where you are in your health journey.
  • We will discuss the goals you wish to achieve in terms of your health, and develop a plan on how to reach them.
  • You will always leave the consult with some kind of recommendation, whether it is lifestyle, herbal, nutritional, or a combination of the three.

Follow Up Call

$ 40
  • Based on the severity of your issues and your own personal needs.
  • True vibrant health is not a one-time fix.
  • It is something that must be worked on, especially when you are trying to change life-long habits.

Giovanna Quirici

Giovanna is a modern day Medicine Woman, Certified Herbalist and passionate advocate for Mother Earth. She holds a Bachelors in Biology and has spent most of her life working in the Healthcare field including Pharmaceutical Sales, Health Insurance, Hospitals, & Physical Therapy. Until 3 years ago, when a trip to Colombia a plant medicine retreat changed everything for her. Her passion for plant medicine was awakened and she began tuning into the deep wisdom of the Earth.

What clients say about Giovanna

I wanted Giovanna to make me something special because I wasn’t feeling myself . I explained to her how I felt and trusted her with a plant recipe . What came to me in the mail was beyond my expectations and made with so much intent and love and science .
Eva Peterson
NewYork, New York
One thing I love about Giovanna is her vast knowledge of herbal medicine! Anything you want to improve on, she’s got ideas and suggestions through natural remedies. She is our modern-day medicine woman! She lives and breathes this work! She helped my son with his severe eczema on his legs!
Kelly Landino
Hellertown, Pennsylvania
Wow. Wow. Wow. I couldn’t be more pleased with my introduction to the world of plants. Like many out there I was struggling due to the effects of 2020 and needed help. My friend, teacher and healer knew just what I needed!! I also suffer from psoriasis, which has only gotten worse with my recent divorce and unemployment. Giovanna didn’t miss a beat. Piñon oil, burdock root oil and St. John’s wort oil have been my saviors. Coupled with my personalized tinctures I am a new better version of my self. She has inspired me to listen to nature and the benefits her plants have to offer. My children are even hooked!! Regularly reminding me they need to take their flower essence because of how it makes them feel! Since taking it regularly we have all witnessed an increased immunize system and over all focus. I cannot wait for Giovanna to start teaching her craft formally because I will be her most eager student ready to consume the wealth of knowledge she has amassed. Happy to call her a teacher. Blessed to call her my friend.
Quinten Jordan
Denver, Colorado


The herbs, herbal remedies and product claims listed on this website have not been evaluated by nor approved by the FDA. The actions listed of each herb or herbal product are descriptions of their traditional uses and are for informational use only.

Every body is different, herbs and products made from herbs can have varying effects upon each individual using them.  Herbs and products made from herbs are not guaranteed to work, or to work the same for everyone. 

Seeds of Vitality products are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure disease or any health issue. They are not meant to replace or deny any advice from any other medical professional or doctor.

Seeds of Vitality will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its products or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will. 

By purchasing Seeds of Vitality products, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information. 

© 2021 Seeds Of Vitality. Designed by Fis Four Experience.

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